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Social Security Number

Social Security Number Verification

Social Security Number Verification

The Social Security Number Verification Service, also identified on the www.ssa.gov website as the SSNVS function, is offered to people who employ other people on their workforces and are accordingly given responsibility for submitting and providing for the processing of employee tax forms. In this regard, the SSN verification service has been made available to individuals with an administrative role in the U.S. workforce in particular regard to the W-2 Form, as is filled out by employees when beginning their employment with a company or under an employer.
Employers can permissibly and appropriately take advantage of the Social Security number verification function in order to match the records they have generated from both the names of employees and their Social Security numbers with those which are currently being held by the government’s administering agency.
The particular utility of the SSN verification service as it has been made available by the U.S. Social Security Administration is to help employers who have evinced due diligence in their handling of employee tax records avoid otherwise unnecessary additional charges imposed on them by the government. Moreover, Social Security number verification can also be used to provide for the successful status of employees within the Social Security system.
To this end, the U.S. Social Security Administration will ensure that the Social Security number verification function is used only for permissible reasons. If SSN verification is accessed by people who are neither the employees nor employers relevant to the records, they must have been given permission to handle these functions.

Social Security Numbers by State

Social Security Numbers by State

Social Security numbers by state can indicate the particular area where the Social Security number card was initially issued. In this regard, Social Security numbers by state are determined according to the zip code of the person who receives the social security number and card.
To this end, Social Security numbers by state are fixed by the U.S. Social Security administration particularly in regard to the zip code indicated on the initial application for the number received by the office. Though specific information is indicated in Social Security numbers by state, people who are interested in this subject may also wish to take note of the fact that state-located or even more locally based Social Security Administration do not in this way exercise authority, since Social Security numbers are, in the contemporary practice of this aspect of the U.S. Federal government, under the control and one of the functions of the main Social Security Administration offices.
People interested in the information contained in Social Security numbers by state should be aware that it is the first three digits of a Social Security number (SSN) in particular that pertain to the state of issue.
Additional data as to what is indicated in Social Security numbers by state can be gleaned from the page of the Social Security Administration’s website, www.ssa.gov, as to this topic, Social Security Number Allocations, at www.ssa.gov/employer/stateweb.htm. Moreover, people who are using Social Security numbers by state to search for information on ancestors should be aware that the current, centrally administered system was only introduced in 1973.

Where To Find The Nearest SSN Office

Where To Find The Nearest SSN Office

People who are interested in receiving a Social Security Number (SSN) and card for the first time, or are required to replace one which has been lost or otherwise rendered unusable, can use the SSN office locator function as is made available by the offices of the responsible government agency, that of the U.S. Social Security Administration.
In this regard, people can glean their local Social Security Administration phone number as can then be used to answer the variety of questions as can arise in the course of providing for one’s place within this system, whether in regard to the tax contributions which people are required to contribute for the purpose of supporting it, or their eventual ability to benefit from its services of financial assistance.
People who are using the online SSN office locator, located at the address https://secure.ssa.gov/apps6z/FOLO/fo001.jsp, will be required to enter their zip code into the search engine thus provided for these purposes. This will return, among other things, the Social Security phone number, both one provided, toll-free, for the nation as a whole, as well as a secondary, local Social Security Administration phone number.
Moreover, people can also the SSN office locator to find the address of the particular Social Security Administration offices as are located the closest to their own residence. Moreover, Social Security phone number contact information and other matters are subject to unique rules in the Brooklyn and Queens boroughs of NYC; Orlando, Florida; the Greater Twin Cities Metropolitan Area of Minnesota, Phoenix, Arizona; and Las Vegas, Nevada.