Civil service exams will prove to be different in various factors. Each civil service test will have one particular aspect in common, which is content revolving around general knowledge and basic academic knowledge. However, civil service exams will also have questions in regards to the specific position that is applied for.
Depending on the skills necessary for a particular career or job, there will some variance in each civil service test. Furthermore, some civil service exams will also require that a physical exam be completed and passed in order to be considered qualified for the position. The physical portion of the civil service test must also be completed with the written section of the test.
Civil service exams will also vary from state to state in the United States. This may prove to be best exhibited when comparing among the various Law Enforcement Agencies in the country. When attempting to become a police officer, the civil service exams administered will certainly focus on measuring the skill necessary in becoming an officer of the law. This civil service test will most likely contain both written and physical sections.
However, due to the varying laws and statutes of each state, the job specific questions will prove to differ from one state to another. States may also implemented different levels of physical requirements and expectations, placing requirements or criteria as they see necessary.