Board of elections background
The Board of Elections is in charge of the administrative process of voting. This may include registration for voting, confirming the identity of the voter and monitoring campaign funds to ensure that they do not accept illegal contributions.
New York State board of elections
The New York State Board of Election has a website which lists important voting information. They list the process involved for voter registration, as well as absentee ballots. In addition, they provide information about legal and illegal campaign activity, such at those processes involved with campaign finances.
New Jersey board of elections
The New Jersey board of elections lists the specific requirements for voter identification on their website. Individuals will be unable to register to vote or to vote in New Jersey elections, without the proper identification.
California Board of elections
The California Board of elections ensures that the voting process runs smoothly. They list all pertinent requirements and regulations for both voters and candidates on their website.
North Carolina board of elections
The North Carolina board of elections seeks to ensure that all regulations are followed in the voting process, as well as the administrative process required for candidates that wish to run for office.
Washington State board of elections
The Washington State Board of Administrators allows individuals to train into become an administrator. The training includes the voting process, in in depth detail, so that all regulations are adhered to. That training also includes the process candidates must go through, in order to run for office in that state.
Texas board of elections
The Texas Board of election currently has a focus on increasing voter turnout. In fact, employees of the board go to schools to educate students about the importance of voting. They will even help students to register to vote.
Virginia board of elections
The Virginia Board of elections helps voters to handle the entire voting process from registration to voting on election day. They also help candidates to learn the process required to run for office in that state, as well as regulations for campaign finance.